Episode #159 - Your Value On This Earth

Every so often, I start a post or videos with “I don’t know who needs to hear this, but…”

Well, this is a bit different. I know exactly who needs to hear this because they asked me to talk about it.

Now, this will likely appeal to more than just this one person, so if this episode benefits you, all the better.

You see, we have times in our lives where our inner view is dark and our head is low because we’re struggling. I’ve been there too many times and I think we all can admit that we’ve faced this battle in our lives at some point.

But when we lift our heads, we see a brighter view and we also see those who are around us to support us.

In this episode, I just speak from the heart about lessons I’ve learned when pulling myself out of a negative mentality and the help that I will be forever grateful for.

My words are just those of support to you in this time and the encouragement that there is a lighter, brighter road ahead. ❤️


Episode #160 - Lisa Walden & Hannah Ubl of Good Company Consulting


Episode #158 - Create the “Habit of Happy”